Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year already?

Wow, seriously, did this year go by fast?
It feels like it went really fast, but slow at the same time...

I've gotten into make up alot more, studied tutorials on youtube...

It was in December of 2007 that I started making videos, its already been a year!

This is all just so insane to me, it's exciting to have a new year so close. A new chance; for dreams, for friendships, for lessons to be learned. So many new things, I just really feel like this year is going to be awesome! I am deciding to make it that way,
New years resolutions?
Blog more,
Make more videos...

not sure what else yet.

Can't really think of much else to say,
thanks for reading!

Til next time, this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Been a while..

ok its been a while since I blogged, but I made a video like yesterday, yayness!
however, i dont have much of anything to blog about,havent been doing anything much lately...
but I've been doing well!

hmmm. well i guess that's it till next time?

Until next time this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

More About Twilight!

(NO spoilers this time! lol)

So, as I was looking through the HUGE amount of Twilight information there is on the internet, for the first time, last night I was sure I wasn't as crazy a fan as all of the ones that were spazzing about the books... Then I read it for 3 hours strait and FORCED myself to stop at that point! Isn't that funny? So I really am a much bigger fan than I thought I was. Which is funny, because I already knew I loved the series... Even though I haven't read all of them yet. Eventually I really will read them all, I am about 78 (okay, exactly) pages away from the end of New Moon, the second book of the saga. These books are SO extremely addicting, it is completely insane how much I want to just keep reading what happens to Bella throughout this amazing story!

All in all, I would recommend these books to anyone looking for an adventure, and romance. This story are very intriguing and keep the reader interested throughout! Surprisingly, to my discovery, some people really think this book is ridiculous and shallow, maybe they saw the film first? That would be a good reason, because in the film, they make the story seem very, very shallow, especially the relationship between Bella and Edward. But the books are so very addicting and I love them, so no matter how a movie turns out it can't and didn't change my opinion of the books.

That's all for now,
Til next time , this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

Keep up with me between posts!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Twilight Review _Spoilers throughout!!!!!!_

Okay, so if you haven't seen Twilight, and dont want to hear spoilers ( I didn't), Don't read this!!


So let's get this started, shall we?,

I didn't laugh at the horrible parts, (edward in the sun) ahh it was so much better in my imagination! It made me really really mad. Also hated where he said "you're like my own, personal brand of heroine" because it was ridiculous compared to how it was said in the book, and sounded wrong, out of context.

I also hated how they rushed the relationship and they TOTALLY made it cheesy! They made it so superficial and didn't build it up, and make it more believable/understandable, anywhere near as much as the book did.

Edward... Oh my goodness, he really didn't fit the part awesomely... I mean , very close, but not really... gosh, i don't know, he just didn't... work. I'm not sure what it was , the look, I guess, wasn't all I'd imagined.

Alice, however, I loved! The baseball scene was also great! Her pitching style made her look so dancer-like and graceful, just like she is described in the book. That really made me happy.

Overall, it was ... Good, not great not spectacular, and its certainly not the book... and it angered me, greatly... but go see it if you feel you must...

EDIT: I watched it a second time and am much more happy with it! I still agree with what I said, only I feel Edward does do his part well, and I do like Bella as well as the other characters, they all did a great job. So , if you read the book(s) and want to see this, DO NOT go in there expecting to see Twilight the book projected on screen... However, it is very good as something either by itself- without the books-, in which case one can get a good feel for the story. Or to go along WITH the books , in which case the reader can fill in all the parts that are skipped in the film.

Overall, very nice job, except for the choppiness- which, by the way, is understandable because of time constraints of a movie- but it's really enjoyable :)

Monday, November 24, 2008


Just a quick blog to say hi, and a few things

Tonight I watched Wall-e. It is such a cute movie! the two little robots talk SO cute it made my head spin! in a good way, lol
If you follow me on twitter, you heard me keep talking about it :p
haha I really enjoyed it alot it was a great change of pace!
The Characters were interesting and the storyline was fresh, it was carried out well, I couldn't seem to find anything that they could approve upon, at least not on the surface.... and thinking back on it now , I still can't seem to find anything that wasn't as good as it could've been.

Overall, I recommend the movie, Highly!
Will most likely watch it again :)

Till next time, this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

P.S. if you would like to follow me on twitter, or check out my videos please visit the sites below:

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Newz About Videos

Okay, so its been a long time since my last blog, and I know it, AND I'm sorry!! Apparently I have a follower to this blog now! Thank you for following!!! Okay, on to the video news; Well, I have a lot of stuff recorded, but I put it onto CDs and so its all scattered untill I get a new hard drive and I'm not sure when that will be happening, but that's okay I will get over it I'm sure. Blah! and the past few days I've been sick, but I am recovering well! OH yeah I wanted to twitpic, i might twitpic AND put a picture here, of the fairy I colored yesterday, she is so pretty! Here she is:

Isn't she pretty? I love her, first time I've colored in a long time :) By the way, I used Prismacolor pencils to color her, I was SO glad I still had my set I bought for art class!!!!!!!
If you want to see more like this, you can visit . I LOVE this site since I found it yesterday, has so many beautiful fairies and things like this to color, as well as craft projects and such, for kids. In addition, I colored a tinkerbell on the computer, here she is: Well that is all for right now, and I will try to up date this more often!!
This is JPR signing off , till next time,
Peace out!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Whats going on with me?

are you kidding?!
ok, well, like I lost my big hard drive with all my videos and pictures and everything the other day. not fun.
But I have gotten a lot of footage over this time! and will edit it soon!
besides that I am doing great and thanks for asking :)

lol goodness its crazy, i was so sad it was like someone died or something.
seriously, i just looked one day and it was gone! horrible feeling by the way, I hope you have never had to experience it!
Oh, I still love my camera! it is awesome, and I figured out how to put music on it, (yay!) I got some footage of deer "up close" but really i put my camera up to binoculars, and YES it worked! it was really cool! but difficult to keep it in place, i guess i was pretty excited that it even worked, haha.

Also I got footage of cows, and LOTS of it! seriously, a lot! a ton of close-up action with the cows goin on, haha its kinda fun, I dont think many people get to see this kind of thing, so it should be cool to watch! well, I dunno if my blogs are too long for some people, so I am gonna end it here!
but thank you for reading,
and this is JPR signing off, till next time.
Peace out!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Camcorder= YAY!

YAY so I finally have a camcorder, not just a digital camera, its a camcorder! here is a picture of it! >>>>>>>>>>
is that not like totally awesome?! i love it so much!
anyway, so it is so so so so cool and i have made a lot of videos with it and i have uploaded two of them so far.

On another subject, I watched 50 first dates today and it was a LOT better than i thought it was gonna be!!!!! I mean, I did think it was gonna be good, and funny, but it surprised me in a very good way. I mean it was both good and funny, but with like a little extra, i dunno. Loved it so much!
hmmm what else?
go check out my videos!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Four Days Left, YAY

I am excited! I did a video today about my LIVE birthday party, and I am just going to embed that right here so that can do most of the talking! since the links are not on the side here, like they would be if this was watched on YouTube, so I will provide the links right here
Where's tha party?

(If you are not watching this on Youtube)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Live Birthday Party!

Hello there reader!
Guess what! In today's entry I shall discus my plans for my birthday! I am so excited, I will be turning 21, and having a virtual, LIVE birthday party!! Would you like to come? Come'on It'll be fun! lol

The party is planned to be Tuesday, October 7th, at 5:30pm EST
ON my actual birthday!

how fun does that sound?! lol
Anyway, so I would love it if you would come,
but where do you go?
Here! to my blog TV channel!

If you would like to come, that would be awesome! just come and have fun and play nice! lol

See you there!

Until next time, this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

Sunday, September 28, 2008


So, yesterday I didn't feel well. not sure why but today I feel awesome!
I am currently watching The Borrowers, I've seen it before, and yes I'm aware it's kind of a kids movie, or maybe more than kind of , LOL but oh well. I had forgotten most things about it, so decided to netflix it.

As far as what I've been doing, I haven't really been doing much... just working mostly...
hmm, actually, that is about all I can think of to write today! Just wanted to update and let everyone know that I am okay!
So until next time,
this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

Also check out my:

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I would like to take this opportunity to express my feelings about Netflix!
Netflix is awesome, I really love it, you have the list of movies you want to see, and it sends you however many at a time that you choose. There are different plans to choose from, and according to that is how many you will get sent to you. As much as this may sound like it, this is not a commercial for Netflix, lol. However much I do love netflix service, sometimes the movies are not all that great, but that is to be expected, seeing as they have SO many movies to choose from! Hmm, I didn't get starbucks today, although I expected to! Oh well that is not truly all that important. I promise I will get better at blogging! Blogging is something I really enjoy, because it is writing, and writing is a huge thing in my life and has been for a long time, as I believe I mentioned in my last blog... Not sure about that though.

I am really interested in the new iPhone! I have not had one yet, and would love to have one, I went to the ATT store and tried one, it was awesome! The texting is great on it and really very easy, much easier than I had expected a touch screen to be. While at the store, I looked at and tried both the iphone and the blackberry (8310, a.k.a. Blackberry Curve) . The blackberry seemed like quite an adjustment from the phone I have now, a Sony Ericson Z310 (google image link here). Where as the iPhone didnt seem like an adjustment to me... the touch screen just feels really natrual, I guess is a good way to put it. Overall, I am leaning more towards the iPhone, I guess because I like apple things like the iPod... but the touch screen is really nice, and easy to text on, since I love texting, that is a good thing!
So, until next time,
this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

1 week? Not quite

Well, yesterday was the last day of my week of blogging, and I am SO SO very mad at myself for not having posted yesterday! How annoying, I blog every day for 6 days, aiming for one consistant week and it doesnt happen. Pathetic!!! Grrr! At least I did most of my goal, I guess that is a way to look at it, because beating myself up about not completely accomplishing my goal, is not going to do anything worthwhile. Anyway so , my rant is over, lol

Until next time,
this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

Monday, September 22, 2008


Heroes premiered tonight! but I didnt get to watch it!!!!!!!!
it is horrible, I am online trying to find a link where they have it uploaded already and not having much luck so far! I missed it on TV when it aired! I am really upset with myself about that!!! Oh well that is okay, I know i will find it , even if I have to wait, which, I'll admit, I would hate.

The point is, I know I will find and watch it sooner or later! Just hoping it will be sooner rather than later, of course, ! LOL I would put pictures in this entry , but there would be copyright issues, so I will hold off on that! wow okay , I barely got my entry in today! it is 11:42pm right now!
So, until next time,
this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!!

Update! Found a link!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

New Nail Polish Color!

That's right, in this blog I shall discuss my new nail polish color! haha, I know it may be a strange thing to blog about, but it is my blog, so I will blog on the topics I choose! :)

Nails, that would be in the "beauty" category, correct? And people consider most "movie stars" to be beautiful. This brings me to my next topic, yay, I am awesome at transitions! haha, okay, so I have a picture of an old movie star, she is so very pretty!

Unfortunately, I only have a picture of her, and no name, and you can't really find out who someone is with just a picture,( at least not anyway I know of.) Do you know of any way to do this? The only way I could come up with was to post a picture of her in a blog, or in a video, or something, anyway, here she is,

Isn't she pretty? I sure think so. Sorry about the reflection! I took this , and all the other pictures for my blog, (and twitpic) on my phone, so the quality is not awesome.

So, that is all for right now, until next time, this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Bought this little cutie at wal*mart the other day. after a Youtube friend of mine, ProgrammerInProgress made a video with one in it, I saw this bin of them, and HAD to get one! Plus I just really love rubber ducks, for some unknown reason, strange, I know, just don't ask me why I like the things I like, because I have no idea! lol

In general, I mostly like cute things like this, it reminds me of a key chain I used to have, it was a tub full of bubbles with a little duckie floating in it. So cute! This is my first blog with a picture in it, and I am really likeing how it looks! Speaking of key chains, I really like keychains and sort of collect them, I say sort of because I only have like two different ones, here is a picture of one of them

Well, that is all for today,
Until Next time,
this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

Friday, September 19, 2008


Well, today I watched Catwoman, yes the 2004 movie with Halle Berry, I had not seen it yet and it looked interesting. Much to my surprise, my MOTHER actually wanted to and DID watch it with me! Not a big deal except she is normally not the action/comic-book movie-watching type. She really liked it! She said she would rate it 4 or 5 stars!

Personally, I am a big fan of the comic-book type movies, Spiderman, Batman, Superman, and the sorts, are my kind of movies. I must confess, I haven't seen as much of them as I would like to have seen. So far, of Spiderman I've seen the 1st and second movies, LOVED them! Batman, I'm not sure which ones I've seen of Batman, but I'm quite sure I've seen at least a few of them. Also, I've seen the Superman movies with Christopher Reeve, and really liked those as well, of course the technology back then, was... Let's just say interesting, lol!

Until next time,
this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Starbucks: 1PV, N, WC, WM

Shot of vanilla in a Venti, no fat, white chocolate mocha, with whipped cream.
New favorite Starbucks drink?
Maybe so, it is pretty good, I didnt get this exact type last time, but similar, and really enjoyed it.

My goal is to try everything on the menu eventually, but this is my favorite for right now, so I will stick with it.

See, I told you I would write a new blog today, and look, I am, yay! go me! my goal for this is to write a blog (at least) every day for a week, just to help me with being consistent in general. On top of that, it is to make it about two paragraphs of writing, and try to make it interesting for people to read. Hopefully I have been doing that!
Until next time (again, it will be tomorrow),
This is JPR signing off,
Peace Out!
- Jesuspunkrokr

Check out my:

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Intro To "JPRlife"

Hey there everyone!
My name is Melissa, but on the Internet I am mostly known as Jesuspunkrokr, or JPR for short. A lot of times people say, and I agree, that my screen name Jesuspunkrokr, is quite long, that is a big reason I chose to shorten it for this blog name!

This is actually not my first blog, just one I decided to open up for my Youtube subscribers and friends to keep up with what is going on with me, and what's going on inside my head! Blogging is interesting to me, and I have always liked the idea of documenting one's life, perhaps that is a reason I love history so much.

In the future I plan to have more specific blogs, but for now I shall just stick with this general one. I hope you have enjoyed reading this, as it was almost therapeutic for me to write!
Well, until next time (tomorrow)
This is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

P.S. if you haven't already, check out my YouTube channel!
click here!