Thursday, September 25, 2008


I would like to take this opportunity to express my feelings about Netflix!
Netflix is awesome, I really love it, you have the list of movies you want to see, and it sends you however many at a time that you choose. There are different plans to choose from, and according to that is how many you will get sent to you. As much as this may sound like it, this is not a commercial for Netflix, lol. However much I do love netflix service, sometimes the movies are not all that great, but that is to be expected, seeing as they have SO many movies to choose from! Hmm, I didn't get starbucks today, although I expected to! Oh well that is not truly all that important. I promise I will get better at blogging! Blogging is something I really enjoy, because it is writing, and writing is a huge thing in my life and has been for a long time, as I believe I mentioned in my last blog... Not sure about that though.

I am really interested in the new iPhone! I have not had one yet, and would love to have one, I went to the ATT store and tried one, it was awesome! The texting is great on it and really very easy, much easier than I had expected a touch screen to be. While at the store, I looked at and tried both the iphone and the blackberry (8310, a.k.a. Blackberry Curve) . The blackberry seemed like quite an adjustment from the phone I have now, a Sony Ericson Z310 (google image link here). Where as the iPhone didnt seem like an adjustment to me... the touch screen just feels really natrual, I guess is a good way to put it. Overall, I am leaning more towards the iPhone, I guess because I like apple things like the iPod... but the touch screen is really nice, and easy to text on, since I love texting, that is a good thing!
So, until next time,
this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog. I love Netflix. I can't wait to watch a lot more this winter.