Monday, September 22, 2008


Heroes premiered tonight! but I didnt get to watch it!!!!!!!!
it is horrible, I am online trying to find a link where they have it uploaded already and not having much luck so far! I missed it on TV when it aired! I am really upset with myself about that!!! Oh well that is okay, I know i will find it , even if I have to wait, which, I'll admit, I would hate.

The point is, I know I will find and watch it sooner or later! Just hoping it will be sooner rather than later, of course, ! LOL I would put pictures in this entry , but there would be copyright issues, so I will hold off on that! wow okay , I barely got my entry in today! it is 11:42pm right now!
So, until next time,
this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!!

Update! Found a link!

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