Friday, November 28, 2008

Twilight Review _Spoilers throughout!!!!!!_

Okay, so if you haven't seen Twilight, and dont want to hear spoilers ( I didn't), Don't read this!!


So let's get this started, shall we?,

I didn't laugh at the horrible parts, (edward in the sun) ahh it was so much better in my imagination! It made me really really mad. Also hated where he said "you're like my own, personal brand of heroine" because it was ridiculous compared to how it was said in the book, and sounded wrong, out of context.

I also hated how they rushed the relationship and they TOTALLY made it cheesy! They made it so superficial and didn't build it up, and make it more believable/understandable, anywhere near as much as the book did.

Edward... Oh my goodness, he really didn't fit the part awesomely... I mean , very close, but not really... gosh, i don't know, he just didn't... work. I'm not sure what it was , the look, I guess, wasn't all I'd imagined.

Alice, however, I loved! The baseball scene was also great! Her pitching style made her look so dancer-like and graceful, just like she is described in the book. That really made me happy.

Overall, it was ... Good, not great not spectacular, and its certainly not the book... and it angered me, greatly... but go see it if you feel you must...

EDIT: I watched it a second time and am much more happy with it! I still agree with what I said, only I feel Edward does do his part well, and I do like Bella as well as the other characters, they all did a great job. So , if you read the book(s) and want to see this, DO NOT go in there expecting to see Twilight the book projected on screen... However, it is very good as something either by itself- without the books-, in which case one can get a good feel for the story. Or to go along WITH the books , in which case the reader can fill in all the parts that are skipped in the film.

Overall, very nice job, except for the choppiness- which, by the way, is understandable because of time constraints of a movie- but it's really enjoyable :)

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