Sunday, October 19, 2008

Whats going on with me?

are you kidding?!
ok, well, like I lost my big hard drive with all my videos and pictures and everything the other day. not fun.
But I have gotten a lot of footage over this time! and will edit it soon!
besides that I am doing great and thanks for asking :)

lol goodness its crazy, i was so sad it was like someone died or something.
seriously, i just looked one day and it was gone! horrible feeling by the way, I hope you have never had to experience it!
Oh, I still love my camera! it is awesome, and I figured out how to put music on it, (yay!) I got some footage of deer "up close" but really i put my camera up to binoculars, and YES it worked! it was really cool! but difficult to keep it in place, i guess i was pretty excited that it even worked, haha.

Also I got footage of cows, and LOTS of it! seriously, a lot! a ton of close-up action with the cows goin on, haha its kinda fun, I dont think many people get to see this kind of thing, so it should be cool to watch! well, I dunno if my blogs are too long for some people, so I am gonna end it here!
but thank you for reading,
and this is JPR signing off, till next time.
Peace out!

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