Thursday, September 18, 2008

Starbucks: 1PV, N, WC, WM

Shot of vanilla in a Venti, no fat, white chocolate mocha, with whipped cream.
New favorite Starbucks drink?
Maybe so, it is pretty good, I didnt get this exact type last time, but similar, and really enjoyed it.

My goal is to try everything on the menu eventually, but this is my favorite for right now, so I will stick with it.

See, I told you I would write a new blog today, and look, I am, yay! go me! my goal for this is to write a blog (at least) every day for a week, just to help me with being consistent in general. On top of that, it is to make it about two paragraphs of writing, and try to make it interesting for people to read. Hopefully I have been doing that!
Until next time (again, it will be tomorrow),
This is JPR signing off,
Peace Out!
- Jesuspunkrokr

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