Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Intro To "JPRlife"

Hey there everyone!
My name is Melissa, but on the Internet I am mostly known as Jesuspunkrokr, or JPR for short. A lot of times people say, and I agree, that my screen name Jesuspunkrokr, is quite long, that is a big reason I chose to shorten it for this blog name!

This is actually not my first blog, just one I decided to open up for my Youtube subscribers and friends to keep up with what is going on with me, and what's going on inside my head! Blogging is interesting to me, and I have always liked the idea of documenting one's life, perhaps that is a reason I love history so much.

In the future I plan to have more specific blogs, but for now I shall just stick with this general one. I hope you have enjoyed reading this, as it was almost therapeutic for me to write!
Well, until next time (tomorrow)
This is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

P.S. if you haven't already, check out my YouTube channel!
click here!

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