Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year already?

Wow, seriously, did this year go by fast?
It feels like it went really fast, but slow at the same time...

I've gotten into make up alot more, studied tutorials on youtube...

It was in December of 2007 that I started making videos, its already been a year!

This is all just so insane to me, it's exciting to have a new year so close. A new chance; for dreams, for friendships, for lessons to be learned. So many new things, I just really feel like this year is going to be awesome! I am deciding to make it that way,
New years resolutions?
Blog more,
Make more videos...

not sure what else yet.

Can't really think of much else to say,
thanks for reading!

Til next time, this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

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