Saturday, September 20, 2008


Bought this little cutie at wal*mart the other day. after a Youtube friend of mine, ProgrammerInProgress made a video with one in it, I saw this bin of them, and HAD to get one! Plus I just really love rubber ducks, for some unknown reason, strange, I know, just don't ask me why I like the things I like, because I have no idea! lol

In general, I mostly like cute things like this, it reminds me of a key chain I used to have, it was a tub full of bubbles with a little duckie floating in it. So cute! This is my first blog with a picture in it, and I am really likeing how it looks! Speaking of key chains, I really like keychains and sort of collect them, I say sort of because I only have like two different ones, here is a picture of one of them

Well, that is all for today,
Until Next time,
this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

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