Wednesday, December 3, 2008

More About Twilight!

(NO spoilers this time! lol)

So, as I was looking through the HUGE amount of Twilight information there is on the internet, for the first time, last night I was sure I wasn't as crazy a fan as all of the ones that were spazzing about the books... Then I read it for 3 hours strait and FORCED myself to stop at that point! Isn't that funny? So I really am a much bigger fan than I thought I was. Which is funny, because I already knew I loved the series... Even though I haven't read all of them yet. Eventually I really will read them all, I am about 78 (okay, exactly) pages away from the end of New Moon, the second book of the saga. These books are SO extremely addicting, it is completely insane how much I want to just keep reading what happens to Bella throughout this amazing story!

All in all, I would recommend these books to anyone looking for an adventure, and romance. This story are very intriguing and keep the reader interested throughout! Surprisingly, to my discovery, some people really think this book is ridiculous and shallow, maybe they saw the film first? That would be a good reason, because in the film, they make the story seem very, very shallow, especially the relationship between Bella and Edward. But the books are so very addicting and I love them, so no matter how a movie turns out it can't and didn't change my opinion of the books.

That's all for now,
Til next time , this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

Keep up with me between posts!

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