Sunday, September 21, 2008

New Nail Polish Color!

That's right, in this blog I shall discuss my new nail polish color! haha, I know it may be a strange thing to blog about, but it is my blog, so I will blog on the topics I choose! :)

Nails, that would be in the "beauty" category, correct? And people consider most "movie stars" to be beautiful. This brings me to my next topic, yay, I am awesome at transitions! haha, okay, so I have a picture of an old movie star, she is so very pretty!

Unfortunately, I only have a picture of her, and no name, and you can't really find out who someone is with just a picture,( at least not anyway I know of.) Do you know of any way to do this? The only way I could come up with was to post a picture of her in a blog, or in a video, or something, anyway, here she is,

Isn't she pretty? I sure think so. Sorry about the reflection! I took this , and all the other pictures for my blog, (and twitpic) on my phone, so the quality is not awesome.

So, that is all for right now, until next time, this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!


Anonymous said...

i like that colour!! and she Is pretty. reminds me of the picture of marilyn monroe.

Anonymous said...

Almost certainly Marlena Dietrich.

I just googled her, and clicked images and got 153,000 resultd! But when you start going through them you soon realise that means google have found a few hundred pictures used over and over on many websites.

If you need to know more there is a wiki entry or her official website.
Bill (gassyoldman)