Thursday, February 12, 2009

St. Val's Day around the corner! OOH piece o' candy!

yeah, I'm weird, we know that already, so what else is new?

*sings* IIIIII want caaaandy *sings*

So its about to be St Val's day! that means yummy candy! haha yay
but seriously , we give ourselves so many reasons to pig out on food its ridiculous, at least Americans do. We've got , Thanks giving, then Christmas (both huge FEAST days where we eat like as much as we can) then in January we have got the big Super Bowl, where we sit around on our butts and eat all the junkfood we can shove in our mouths( when I say we, I'm actually excluding myself , in this football thing, since my family isnt into sports). Oh yeah, and then when we go to the cinema its insane! "Buy all the fattening food you can, so you dont have to just sit there and watch a movie, but you can get fat at the SAME time!!!!!!!!" Multi tasking rocks! *rolls eyes*

Okay , okay, sorry to be so blunt, but we all know its true! We are fat-ies and our way of life totally feeds that... wait, is that a punn? did I just make a funny?! YAY! go me! lol
Several minutes later I left this page and forgot I was writing a blog! wow, okay, So in any case, I just wanted to say that I don't really know why im talking about America being a bunch of fattys cuz of our diet and lifestyle as a whole, but if it offends anyone I am indeed sorry. I guess that is it for now so,

until next time this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

P.S. my old Deviant art page works again! will put a link here and in the side thing over there >>
which has a lot of links that i would love for you guys to check out!

My DeviantArt Page

1 comment:

Allann said...

IIIIIIII WANT CANNNDY! thats a choon right there =D

not just Americans that pig out. i mean Christmas i think everyone goes overboard! but then we dont watch super bowl. dont really celebrate valentines day (well we dont go ott) and thinking about it. we dont really celebrate Halloween. guess it just Christmas lol

lmao love the punn

i do that alot, start writing a blog then just get distracted. not good. then i forget what i was talking about!!

ooh my that is so strange, i just singed up for Deviant Art yesterday and BAM your talking about it! wow

wow i wrote another long comment. well might not be a long comment to you but it is to me! i dont know if i like writing long comment. hmm ahh i should stop typing. bet theres 100 typos! oooh noo!

