Friday, February 13, 2009

A.. thing I wrote...

is it a short story? beginning to a book? I have no idea what it will be, but here it is, in raw form, not really proof-read yet... just let me knwo wha tyou think?(left all those typos there so you can know I'm human too, lol)
Okay here it is :

So I ran and I ran, and what did I find?
nothing, to my surprise, nothing, is exactly what I found.

Didn't know what I wanted, maybe that's why I didn't find anything,
It's always like that, you know? strange and dream-like, dizzying.
Confining you until you don't know who you are anymore,
Sometimes it hurts, the harsh reality of the TRUTH breaking through the stained-glass window in your mind.


I rolled over onto my back, staring up at the black, blank abyss that was my ceiling,
(I'd just finished reading for the night and shut my light off.) Found myself annoyed,
-to the point that it was hard to breathe- by the fact that anything in the world existed at all. I didn't know how that made any since, but that seemed to be how I felt. Most times, I wondered what was going on inside my head, to cause the strange, seemingly unrelated thoughts to flutter across my mind.

I never really came to any real conclusions,however I had many theories,- the speed of thought was mind-blowing,
I knew that much- but I liked listening in on my own thoughts. sometimes they got really interesting, at those times i wished i had both
a go-go-gadget pen and pad to be handy whenever needed. so many dreams in my heart so many things i loved, I didn't want to know which to follow.
The thought of going to college pending- people went crazy about colleges! and I didn't really want to be a part of that-
but I knew i wanted to learn, and continue doing so my whole life. I loved books so much, my collection was ever growing as was the list of books i'd read.
I probably was going to go to college...

Thoughts raced through my mind all the time and in trying to settle them down i felt like a kindergarten teacher.
It was weird, not knowing what I would become, but wasn't that how everyone felt at some point? I guessed so.
Seemingly endless sink-fulls of dishes seemed to fill my evenings , then "late"-night reading (usually 10-12 or 1am)
instead of much anything else.

Realizing my fears, and that I'd lived thought them helped me to deal with my future in a big way-I could live through them again.

Sleep sang sweetly in my direction, and I figured I'd better give in.

1 comment:

gassyoldman said...

Hi Melissa,

Just read you little story. Good start for a book or something.

Bill xxx