Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What I think: Heroes season 3(so far)




of them!!!!

Okay, so I have wanted to talk about Heroes ALL DAY , and all last night.... well see, I have been catching up on the show from last night through today, and am all caught up now....

I've got a lot to say about this so if you plan on reading, you may want to go grab some popcorn.
(this is pretty much summing up what happened episode 9 - 14 of season 3, and how I feel about it all)

Alrighty then!
Sylar? well, he is interesting, and since he first came on the show i was like " oh yeah, he's a psycho killer, but he's cool" and I wanted him to change, to try and be a better person. Just recently, on the third season, they start changing him, he starts seeming like a better person/freak thing whatever he is. And I've been loving it, loving HIM! They set it up to where his "love interest" was Elle, that was so cute! I loved it! they were ADORABLE together!!!! I was like OMG about it! First of all, he finds out he can take people's abilities without killing them, I was like "YAY! now he really is going to change! all he ever wanted was to have like ALL the abilities and now he can get them without killing people." I was excited, and Elle was the person he discovered that with. So anyway, they have a little fling, he sleeps with her, and like the next day? kills her on a beach and burns her body! F*cking psycho!!!!!! I effing thought he had changed! and at this point I'm hating him! how the hell could he do that??? I honestly thought that this freak was like, i dunno, "in love" with her, or at least really, really liked her! and here he goes killing her!!!! Okay, maybe that's a bit stupid of me , since he did kill his own mother in, I think it was season 1? or did he not get in the story till 2? oh I don't know, the point is that he did it. But, I thought he had changed, so gimme a break.

Next up: Primatech.
OMG who the h*ll really thought it went down with the building?! Seriously!! That's ridiculous, of course its not gonna go down, people are obsessed with the ones that have "abilities", and are gonna keep hunting them down till they die (just to clarify, I think I mean the people that are "hunting" will keep it up til they themselves die, not the "special" people) . Okay so maybe its not still technically Primatech, its really just Nathan Petrelli now, right? Of course he has the entire US Government behind him, the sicko. Why did he have to do that? that was stupid, okay? GRRR. And he wants to gather them all up and "keep them safe"? or how did he say it? he wanted to keep them out of harms way, or he wanted to keep them from harming people, or something like that. Whatever it was it was ridiculous especially considering he himself has a special ability, as does his brother, whom he also captured and "locked away" or tried to , at least...

Claire, his , shall we say "love child"?, threw a monkey wrench in that whole plan by getting into the plane carrying all these special people and set them all loose, for the most part. Then she goes up to the cockpit, tells the pilot "we're gonna make an unexpected stop" through gritted teeth. then looks over to see the Co pilot is her dear ol' dad! Not biological of course, but the one she grew up with, also known as HRG (for Horn Rim Glasses). I must say , I was NOT expecting that!Okay, well I kind of did. It didn't shock me really badly, but I wasn't sittin' there like " OOH! I bet the co pilot is going to be her dad!". Meanwhile, in the back with all the other special people, Peter, who absorbs powers, absorbed a freezing power without knowing it, and froze a wall on the plane, and broke a wall in the plane, which messed it up and sent it down, down, down. The episode, (clear and present danger) ended there, with the plane going down, so we have to wait and see what happens next, see if maybe, just maybe it crashes, someone is able to fly it correctly... Who really knows at this point? What do I think will happen? it will crash and Claire and Peter will try to save everyone, maybe Claire will try to save her dad, not sure how successful she will be, but like OMG , HRG can't die! He's too freaking evil, kind of... Who knows, like I said, a million things could happen, i guess.

What do you think?

Anyways, thanks for reading, till next time this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

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