Monday, February 9, 2009

Short/Medium-sized Blog

Okaie, Hi there people!
this is just a short little blog (almost wrote vlog, cuz thats what im more used to saying lol) to say hi and let you know a few things

1: I really really want you to go to this site and click to donate (FREE) all they need is your clicks! and then click the other tabs at the top to donate to the other sites, i love knowing this is possible to donate for free, its great when you're bored with nothing else to do, and you can say, "I got bored, so I donated to some charities, oh yeah and it was free!" lol

2: I am catching up on the show Heroes, cuz I got freaking addicted to it from watching season 1 and 2 on Netflix in a huge marathon that span over a few days! I'm on episode 9, and the newest one out is 14, so I got some catching up to do! I love the show so much and have kind of forgotten how much I love it! My favorite character would have to be Claire, I WANT her power! that would be so effing cool to jump out a windowof a high building and survive with ease! walk away with a little bit of blood on your shirt, maybe a rip in your jeans. So I jumped off a 5 story building, big freakin' deal! hahaha OMG seriously though, I want that. really. I'm not joking.

Spoilers for those who havent read the Twilight series to Eclipse!

erm, and 3: (even though I believe I only said i would talk about two things...)
is Twilight Series of books, I am on Eclipse, and OMG i love it so much but I refuse to pick team Edward or Jacob! I just do! Seeing as I'm part American Indian, (and seeing as I dont know which part, lol) I find Jacob quite interesting, plus I love how he was there for her when Edward left - for Bella's own good, so he thought- that showed me he was a really good person and really cared for Bells. ( I love that he calls her that, and Edward doesnt, only Charlie and Jacob call her that... which makes me think the author was trying to point out that Jacob is more family material than lover... BUT it could just be a reinforcment of familiarity in general , when people call her Bells.) Yeah I think a lot, that's probably why Im such a slow reader! but I'm glad I am , because it gives me time to absorb the story piece by piece, like taking tiny bites of a gormet chocolate bar, savoring the moment. Wow I'm really glad I have a blog, that way i get to write a lot! and people get to see it! yay! lol

EDIT: So after I wrote this I recalled that I wanted to add that my favorite character in the books is Alice! I just love her so much, and her "tiny, pixie-ness" makes me think of myself, (and my nickname Tinkerbell, lol)

One thing though? About my writing, should I try to cut the "lol"s out? I mean it is a blog, and I think maybe that's a little tacky, what do you think? let me know!

Okay, well thanks for reading! til next time, this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

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