Thursday, February 26, 2009

Kyle XY

LIKE omg , is it true they are canceling it? or thinking about canceling it?! That cannot be. it just can't.
I found a petition, and signed it, of course, I freaking LOVE that show and it has to keep going! I just asked about this on Yahoo Answers ( quick shout out to Megi, lol) link here
and also , if you are a fan of the show, here is a link to the petition,
hey if you are bored and don't have anything to do? why not sign it? lol it would help ^_^

Alrighty so yeah, that's my freak out of the day, kind of. There is a strong possibility that I will be moving, this may very well mean no more cows :(
and therefore, no more cow videos, which my youtube viewers LOVE! But there is also a possibility that leaving the cows may not happen... I'm hoping for that one! lol
What else? hmm im trying to think....

I will leave you with a Question:
Do you watch Kyle XY? Why or why not?

Thanks for reading!
Til next time, this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!
Peace , love, and Kyle xy! (lol)

EDIT: OKAY so now i have pretty much concrete proof that this is true the video that pops up on here says "don't miss the final two episodes before the SERIES finale!" SERIES not SEASON,
but SERIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO mad! Im signing all the damn petitions i can find!!!!!!!!!! and you better not doubt that for a second! SO pissed that this is a real threat! Please help and sign the damn thing, it takes like 10 seconds of your life! "OMG 10 seconds? that's do-able"
do it do it do it
(and by it i mean help! lol really)
okay im done ranting, for now

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