Friday, February 6, 2009

good times, good shoes

Hey there everybody!!!!!
wow I hope you had a great day today, because I sure did! lol
especially since I'm feeling better, see I get headaches from time to time, and got one the other day (bad as usual, accompanied by me... vomiting, lets just be frank here) and pretty much any few days after one of those with out one is great! ^_^

But today was really great cuz I got a cute pair of shoes
lol they were originally like $30, I got them for $10! yay me!! woot!

okay well that's all I can think to excite you with for now, except I had a great day , inspite of my lack of tweeting, which I admit is odd for me, but I didn't have my phone, my mom did, and i nearly grabbed her phone and tweeted from there! but there is only one follower on her account, and since its private she has to approve of people before they can follow her... anyway, here is a link to both, she hasn't started tweeting yet, but is seriously thinking about it! and I may end up tweeting from her account some day, who knows lol.
Alrighty so here are the links :
My twitter:
Mom's twitter:

PS they are both private, so you gotta request permission to follow both of these.

Well, until next time, this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

EDIT: oh yeah i forgot to mention I also got some new books for about a dollar each! it was lovely! (went to a "thrift" shop, by the way lol)

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