Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Time goes by... so slowly

Okay so when i decided to come on and blog tonight, i was sure it had been at least a week since my last blog, but NO it had only been two days!
that is insane.

SO what have I been doing?? well,, see, I havent been keeping up with my TV shows like i want to, so I had to go online and catch up on the new seasons of: Kyle XY, and The secret life of the american teenager. I love both shows! Luckily, there weren't many I had missed; 3 of Kyle and 5 of Secret Life, so I was able to catch up quickly. now that I am caught up, there are a lot (a LOT a lot,)
of people talking about LOST, and I haven't really even seen the first episode? so I am going to watch that tonight. I've really enjoyed catching up on my shows, especially Kyle XY because it seems like forEVER since the last episode before this season. That show is so addicting! Anyone else watch it? I would love to discuss it, lol i need to go find a forum about it...

Okay now im gonna talk about makeup lol, sorry for the lack of transition... but here is how I did the switch in my head: I was talking about a forum, and I'm a member of a Makeup Forum that I really need to get back on cuz I havent in a while... and thats how I switched to makeup lol. This is a LONG entry! okay sorry, so about makeup... Well, as some of you may know, I ordered and recieved the 88 pallete from Coastal scents just recently- I LOVE it so much! the matte colors are so much easier to work with! And I also love my CS (Coastal Scents) brushes that I bought (don't feel like going into detail about which ones I got right now, there will be a video about that) .  There are still a lot of pallets and things that I want from CS, but today i just saw a review on some Kryolan products , and i was like OMG because I have wanted to try Kryolan for a while and that made me really want to try some. Plus there is the store on Ebay to buy it all from and it is really good prices on the product AND the shipping! So I dont know if i should just get a small order from CS and a small order from Kryolan or order all the stuff I want from CS and then start getting stuff from Kryolan, or what I should do.

.... Wow I haven't done a blog this long in a very long while!!! anyway, I guess that is it for now, thanks for reading and if you have any suggestions about what i should do about the makeup orders that would rock ^_^

Oh yeah, and thank you so much for taking the time to read my ramblings ^_^
Until Next time, this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

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