Thursday, February 26, 2009

Kyle XY

LIKE omg , is it true they are canceling it? or thinking about canceling it?! That cannot be. it just can't.
I found a petition, and signed it, of course, I freaking LOVE that show and it has to keep going! I just asked about this on Yahoo Answers ( quick shout out to Megi, lol) link here
and also , if you are a fan of the show, here is a link to the petition,
hey if you are bored and don't have anything to do? why not sign it? lol it would help ^_^

Alrighty so yeah, that's my freak out of the day, kind of. There is a strong possibility that I will be moving, this may very well mean no more cows :(
and therefore, no more cow videos, which my youtube viewers LOVE! But there is also a possibility that leaving the cows may not happen... I'm hoping for that one! lol
What else? hmm im trying to think....

I will leave you with a Question:
Do you watch Kyle XY? Why or why not?

Thanks for reading!
Til next time, this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!
Peace , love, and Kyle xy! (lol)

EDIT: OKAY so now i have pretty much concrete proof that this is true the video that pops up on here says "don't miss the final two episodes before the SERIES finale!" SERIES not SEASON,
but SERIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO mad! Im signing all the damn petitions i can find!!!!!!!!!! and you better not doubt that for a second! SO pissed that this is a real threat! Please help and sign the damn thing, it takes like 10 seconds of your life! "OMG 10 seconds? that's do-able"
do it do it do it
(and by it i mean help! lol really)
okay im done ranting, for now

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Random New Blog

So yeah, I just wanted to get a new blog out, that is the main reason for this...

But OMG i saw the new heroes last night and I LOVED how it ended I really did! it surprised me a lot, I SO didnt expect that, but WOW I loved it!!!!
and who the heck is Claire texting on her cell? Anyone know? I think its peter. but i dunno.

Had to stick this picture in there, i found it on google, here is a credit link from where I found it . so yeah that's about it I guess,
hope you are all having a wonderful weekend!!!!!! Have lots of fun,be safe, and watch Heroes,lol

This is JPR signing off,til next time,
Peace Out!

Friday, February 13, 2009

A.. thing I wrote...

is it a short story? beginning to a book? I have no idea what it will be, but here it is, in raw form, not really proof-read yet... just let me knwo wha tyou think?(left all those typos there so you can know I'm human too, lol)
Okay here it is :

So I ran and I ran, and what did I find?
nothing, to my surprise, nothing, is exactly what I found.

Didn't know what I wanted, maybe that's why I didn't find anything,
It's always like that, you know? strange and dream-like, dizzying.
Confining you until you don't know who you are anymore,
Sometimes it hurts, the harsh reality of the TRUTH breaking through the stained-glass window in your mind.


I rolled over onto my back, staring up at the black, blank abyss that was my ceiling,
(I'd just finished reading for the night and shut my light off.) Found myself annoyed,
-to the point that it was hard to breathe- by the fact that anything in the world existed at all. I didn't know how that made any since, but that seemed to be how I felt. Most times, I wondered what was going on inside my head, to cause the strange, seemingly unrelated thoughts to flutter across my mind.

I never really came to any real conclusions,however I had many theories,- the speed of thought was mind-blowing,
I knew that much- but I liked listening in on my own thoughts. sometimes they got really interesting, at those times i wished i had both
a go-go-gadget pen and pad to be handy whenever needed. so many dreams in my heart so many things i loved, I didn't want to know which to follow.
The thought of going to college pending- people went crazy about colleges! and I didn't really want to be a part of that-
but I knew i wanted to learn, and continue doing so my whole life. I loved books so much, my collection was ever growing as was the list of books i'd read.
I probably was going to go to college...

Thoughts raced through my mind all the time and in trying to settle them down i felt like a kindergarten teacher.
It was weird, not knowing what I would become, but wasn't that how everyone felt at some point? I guessed so.
Seemingly endless sink-fulls of dishes seemed to fill my evenings , then "late"-night reading (usually 10-12 or 1am)
instead of much anything else.

Realizing my fears, and that I'd lived thought them helped me to deal with my future in a big way-I could live through them again.

Sleep sang sweetly in my direction, and I figured I'd better give in.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

another one today!

okay so I was trying to sum up my day in a tweet? that was working out horribly! so here we go, a short little blog to let everyone know I'm alive and I've been ignoring my phone all day. not really ignoring it, since i hadn't really heard it, although I've pretty much been in the same room with it all day and night.... yeah I don't know, don't really have a good excuse, i just needed to blog..

I'm loving Privileged so much! thanks again, Tom , for reccomending the show to me!!! its really one of my top faves now! I am still on the first season, and on like episode 7.... they are toying around with the idea of Charlie and Megan stronger and stronger, I dunno about you? but I've been wanting that from ep 1! BTW? so glad she dumped that head master guy at the girls' school! YAY Megan! I love her, I really do, and I think she kind of reminds me of myself a little... Just so you guys know? I love getting comments on my blog! even if it's little, and takes you like 5 seconds or less, something like "good blog, I agree with .... or I dissagree with..." whatever! lol yeah. i dunno i havent been tweeting, so i havent been getting @replies, and im like OMG missing that kind of interaction really badly! Its horrible and Im a mess, lol, gonna try to tweet all day tomorrow, I should be out all day or most of it and i miss my tweeters (lol @ that name ) so much!

lol, okay, I shall let you all go about your lives now, as I know you put EVERYTHING on hold just to read my blog!

yeah, totally just kidding there, you guys! ^_^

So that's it for now, thanks for reading, and leaving a comment ;)
Til next time this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

St. Val's Day around the corner! OOH piece o' candy!

yeah, I'm weird, we know that already, so what else is new?

*sings* IIIIII want caaaandy *sings*

So its about to be St Val's day! that means yummy candy! haha yay
but seriously , we give ourselves so many reasons to pig out on food its ridiculous, at least Americans do. We've got , Thanks giving, then Christmas (both huge FEAST days where we eat like as much as we can) then in January we have got the big Super Bowl, where we sit around on our butts and eat all the junkfood we can shove in our mouths( when I say we, I'm actually excluding myself , in this football thing, since my family isnt into sports). Oh yeah, and then when we go to the cinema its insane! "Buy all the fattening food you can, so you dont have to just sit there and watch a movie, but you can get fat at the SAME time!!!!!!!!" Multi tasking rocks! *rolls eyes*

Okay , okay, sorry to be so blunt, but we all know its true! We are fat-ies and our way of life totally feeds that... wait, is that a punn? did I just make a funny?! YAY! go me! lol
Several minutes later I left this page and forgot I was writing a blog! wow, okay, So in any case, I just wanted to say that I don't really know why im talking about America being a bunch of fattys cuz of our diet and lifestyle as a whole, but if it offends anyone I am indeed sorry. I guess that is it for now so,

until next time this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

P.S. my old Deviant art page works again! will put a link here and in the side thing over there >>
which has a lot of links that i would love for you guys to check out!

My DeviantArt Page

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What I think: Heroes season 3(so far)




of them!!!!

Okay, so I have wanted to talk about Heroes ALL DAY , and all last night.... well see, I have been catching up on the show from last night through today, and am all caught up now....

I've got a lot to say about this so if you plan on reading, you may want to go grab some popcorn.
(this is pretty much summing up what happened episode 9 - 14 of season 3, and how I feel about it all)

Alrighty then!
Sylar? well, he is interesting, and since he first came on the show i was like " oh yeah, he's a psycho killer, but he's cool" and I wanted him to change, to try and be a better person. Just recently, on the third season, they start changing him, he starts seeming like a better person/freak thing whatever he is. And I've been loving it, loving HIM! They set it up to where his "love interest" was Elle, that was so cute! I loved it! they were ADORABLE together!!!! I was like OMG about it! First of all, he finds out he can take people's abilities without killing them, I was like "YAY! now he really is going to change! all he ever wanted was to have like ALL the abilities and now he can get them without killing people." I was excited, and Elle was the person he discovered that with. So anyway, they have a little fling, he sleeps with her, and like the next day? kills her on a beach and burns her body! F*cking psycho!!!!!! I effing thought he had changed! and at this point I'm hating him! how the hell could he do that??? I honestly thought that this freak was like, i dunno, "in love" with her, or at least really, really liked her! and here he goes killing her!!!! Okay, maybe that's a bit stupid of me , since he did kill his own mother in, I think it was season 1? or did he not get in the story till 2? oh I don't know, the point is that he did it. But, I thought he had changed, so gimme a break.

Next up: Primatech.
OMG who the h*ll really thought it went down with the building?! Seriously!! That's ridiculous, of course its not gonna go down, people are obsessed with the ones that have "abilities", and are gonna keep hunting them down till they die (just to clarify, I think I mean the people that are "hunting" will keep it up til they themselves die, not the "special" people) . Okay so maybe its not still technically Primatech, its really just Nathan Petrelli now, right? Of course he has the entire US Government behind him, the sicko. Why did he have to do that? that was stupid, okay? GRRR. And he wants to gather them all up and "keep them safe"? or how did he say it? he wanted to keep them out of harms way, or he wanted to keep them from harming people, or something like that. Whatever it was it was ridiculous especially considering he himself has a special ability, as does his brother, whom he also captured and "locked away" or tried to , at least...

Claire, his , shall we say "love child"?, threw a monkey wrench in that whole plan by getting into the plane carrying all these special people and set them all loose, for the most part. Then she goes up to the cockpit, tells the pilot "we're gonna make an unexpected stop" through gritted teeth. then looks over to see the Co pilot is her dear ol' dad! Not biological of course, but the one she grew up with, also known as HRG (for Horn Rim Glasses). I must say , I was NOT expecting that!Okay, well I kind of did. It didn't shock me really badly, but I wasn't sittin' there like " OOH! I bet the co pilot is going to be her dad!". Meanwhile, in the back with all the other special people, Peter, who absorbs powers, absorbed a freezing power without knowing it, and froze a wall on the plane, and broke a wall in the plane, which messed it up and sent it down, down, down. The episode, (clear and present danger) ended there, with the plane going down, so we have to wait and see what happens next, see if maybe, just maybe it crashes, someone is able to fly it correctly... Who really knows at this point? What do I think will happen? it will crash and Claire and Peter will try to save everyone, maybe Claire will try to save her dad, not sure how successful she will be, but like OMG , HRG can't die! He's too freaking evil, kind of... Who knows, like I said, a million things could happen, i guess.

What do you think?

Anyways, thanks for reading, till next time this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Short/Medium-sized Blog

Okaie, Hi there people!
this is just a short little blog (almost wrote vlog, cuz thats what im more used to saying lol) to say hi and let you know a few things

1: I really really want you to go to this site and click to donate (FREE) all they need is your clicks! and then click the other tabs at the top to donate to the other sites, i love knowing this is possible to donate for free, its great when you're bored with nothing else to do, and you can say, "I got bored, so I donated to some charities, oh yeah and it was free!" lol

2: I am catching up on the show Heroes, cuz I got freaking addicted to it from watching season 1 and 2 on Netflix in a huge marathon that span over a few days! I'm on episode 9, and the newest one out is 14, so I got some catching up to do! I love the show so much and have kind of forgotten how much I love it! My favorite character would have to be Claire, I WANT her power! that would be so effing cool to jump out a windowof a high building and survive with ease! walk away with a little bit of blood on your shirt, maybe a rip in your jeans. So I jumped off a 5 story building, big freakin' deal! hahaha OMG seriously though, I want that. really. I'm not joking.

Spoilers for those who havent read the Twilight series to Eclipse!

erm, and 3: (even though I believe I only said i would talk about two things...)
is Twilight Series of books, I am on Eclipse, and OMG i love it so much but I refuse to pick team Edward or Jacob! I just do! Seeing as I'm part American Indian, (and seeing as I dont know which part, lol) I find Jacob quite interesting, plus I love how he was there for her when Edward left - for Bella's own good, so he thought- that showed me he was a really good person and really cared for Bells. ( I love that he calls her that, and Edward doesnt, only Charlie and Jacob call her that... which makes me think the author was trying to point out that Jacob is more family material than lover... BUT it could just be a reinforcment of familiarity in general , when people call her Bells.) Yeah I think a lot, that's probably why Im such a slow reader! but I'm glad I am , because it gives me time to absorb the story piece by piece, like taking tiny bites of a gormet chocolate bar, savoring the moment. Wow I'm really glad I have a blog, that way i get to write a lot! and people get to see it! yay! lol

EDIT: So after I wrote this I recalled that I wanted to add that my favorite character in the books is Alice! I just love her so much, and her "tiny, pixie-ness" makes me think of myself, (and my nickname Tinkerbell, lol)

One thing though? About my writing, should I try to cut the "lol"s out? I mean it is a blog, and I think maybe that's a little tacky, what do you think? let me know!

Okay, well thanks for reading! til next time, this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

Friday, February 6, 2009

good times, good shoes

Hey there everybody!!!!!
wow I hope you had a great day today, because I sure did! lol
especially since I'm feeling better, see I get headaches from time to time, and got one the other day (bad as usual, accompanied by me... vomiting, lets just be frank here) and pretty much any few days after one of those with out one is great! ^_^

But today was really great cuz I got a cute pair of shoes
lol they were originally like $30, I got them for $10! yay me!! woot!

okay well that's all I can think to excite you with for now, except I had a great day , inspite of my lack of tweeting, which I admit is odd for me, but I didn't have my phone, my mom did, and i nearly grabbed her phone and tweeted from there! but there is only one follower on her account, and since its private she has to approve of people before they can follow her... anyway, here is a link to both, she hasn't started tweeting yet, but is seriously thinking about it! and I may end up tweeting from her account some day, who knows lol.
Alrighty so here are the links :
My twitter:
Mom's twitter:

PS they are both private, so you gotta request permission to follow both of these.

Well, until next time, this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

EDIT: oh yeah i forgot to mention I also got some new books for about a dollar each! it was lovely! (went to a "thrift" shop, by the way lol)