Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Books-- I miss you!

Hey there!
So, I love to read, as you may or may not have picked up from reading my blog. Honestly, I'm not sure how much I've talked about books on here, besides like ONE entry about twilight. maybe two...
I don't really know, lol.

ANYWAY, I have been doing so many other things that I have neglected my reading to a horrible point and havent read in quite a while! It is so ridiculous because i love to read!... oh yeah I already said that. haha oh well
This looks like a good opportunity to share with you guys what it is that I am reading at the moment(or at least the books that I am in the middle of reading, or whatever, lol)

+Starter Wife
+Goddess ---(I am not sure if this is the exact title, but it is a biography of Marilyn Monroe, whom I love! She was so pretty!)

Alrighty so that is what I am reading,

Do you like to read?
if so, what are some books you are reading? Or what are some books you have read and liked, or didn't like?

Thanks for reading!
Til next time, this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!



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