Thursday, March 11, 2010

So sorry!

No excuses, its just pathetic that I haven't posted a video in so long and I just wanted to take the time to let everyone know how sorry I am about it. Even though I'm not sure as to how many people that watch my video actually read this. But I hope its a good solid amount!

Yeah I miss making videos, but I've ... been busy... weve heard that before, right? every youtuber says it once in a while, right?

I really am sorry, and I feel bad for not keeping the commitment of posting more often.

Honestly? I was sick, then I got better, then I got busy, then I got sick again!

AND I got hooked on Farmville! -- The game, mind you, that I had decided to hate, and vowed to myself that I would never play again... thats sad, isn't it? Oh, and I'm hooked on Sorority Life too. And Vampire Wars!

Oh yeah! and also for a while I was working on a music video for some Paramore song, but right now im not sure which one... anyways, I didnt have as much footage as I wanted, after I spent all day shooting and reviewing it one day... I kept working on it for a while anyways, but then kind of just stopped... then I thought I was gonna play some Ocarina for you, but NOOOOOOOOO I just didn't do it. Ugh I dunno. I miss singing and I know i need to make a video of that too, I was thinking about Tik Tok, by Ke$ha because I like how I sing that song,and there are some great karaokes of it out there. What else? I'm read for bed, I'm tired lol goodness. Okay so now I'm gonna just wrap this up and then go color it rainbow-- I do that by hand, you know? I don't just tell it to make the text rainbow...

K thanks for reading! and until next time,
aka Jesuspunkrokr

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