Monday, March 15, 2010


So, how is everyone?

I've been good, hooked on farmville! Since you brought that up, I've been thinking about making a little blog where I share tips and tricks I've picked up about farmville along the way, then when my fellow farmers ask me stuff, I can refer them there. Just typing it up makes it sound even better ^_^

Thinkin about callin it JPR's FarmVille Tips. but not sure yet, anyways, it can be changed, right?

Gonna go ahead and attempt this now, 'cause I want to. lol

well I think thats about it!
Ooh! I almost forgot, Im working on a La Maison, and if any farmville farmers want to lend a hand, my facebook link is
I send gifts everyday! lol

Thanks for reading!
Till next time, this is JPR signing off
Peace Out!

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