Tuesday, March 16, 2010

JPR's FarmVille School!

YAY its up! and has pre-written articles to be released over the next few weeks ^_^

I didn't know I would have so much to write so soon, but I glad I did, and I'm glad for the delayed post feature, its SO cool lol

If you play farmville and are in need of some help, tips or tricks, keep an eye out for new posts on my blog over the next month or so! This may also help higher level players, as they are little things you may or may not have thought of ^_^

Its brand new , so Im really excited about it. I just get ideas that I want to share with players every day, so now I can go write a blog about it and help some people out!

Thanks for reading, (sorry if you don't like farmville, and this post bothered you)

Till Next time,
This is JPR signing off,

Peace out!

JPR aka Jesuspunkrokr

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