Monday, March 16, 2009

SO so much stuff!

Okay so I've got a lot on my mind right now, a lot going on and a lot I want to blog about, question is? where to start!

1st of all, I just read a great article/blog-thing about Ghost Whisperer , one of my fave shows (link). 2nd,KYLE XY FINAL EPISODE AIRS TONIGHT!!!!!!!! and I cant even watch it 'til tomorrow or later because ,thanks to the fact that I'm moving, --yet another thing to blog about this time!-- My internet will be cut off soon, maybe tomorrow, which will be the soonest I can see the new (and "final") Kyle XY. BLAH

Oh well, mainly the reason I wanted to blog was that article I linked you to up there , and the imminent cut off of my interwebs. Kyle XY is still save-able, there is still hope for it! If you are a fan, and don't want to send in a letter to other networks for whatever reason, you can write one, addressed to "to whom it may concern" and email it to , subject should be "Save Kyle XY". In the letter/email, you need to state a short amount of information about yourself, then why you like the show and how it has affected you. I am working on one, by the way, just so you know! OKAY I think that is it for now, and I will see ya when I see ya!

Till next time this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

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