Tuesday, September 22, 2009

been way too freakin long!

Okay so yeah, its been way to freaking long since I wrote a blog and I gotta tell ya, I miss it terribly!!!!!!!!!

I dunno how I could miss something so badly, its crazy, I've also missed doing videos, I have a new one up today! if you'd like to check it out, its here: click here

So yeah as you can tell I finaly got the internet back and I'm going crazy contacting all my social networking people!!!!!!! so glad to have a video back up and a blog going up. Not really sure what all to say, I hope this is some how entertaining... im not really sure how it could be but thanks for reading it anyway!!!!!!

things have been crazy, but I'm working now, and things are great so yeah. wow I guess i dont have much else to say...

So, until next time this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

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