Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What the Hell, right?

Yeah, dont ask about the title cuz i have no idea why i chose it, thats just what came to mind . so yeah. what else? ive been catching up on youtube videos which i have been missing for the last few months and i had to blog, cuz even though i know im gonna be tweeting all day at work which i have to go to in about 30 minutes, I felt like i needed to do more so here goes. basically im just bored before work and such, but more into it, i just wanna connect with you people again!

Random shout out to HeGotAway-- I freaking miss you girl, your videos are awesome, funny, and well edited. You are very talented and such a good person, I honestly appreciate your friendship and your ambition.

What else? thats about all i can think of for the time being, keep it cool people, I plan on poping out another video soon, its just difficult right now, but yes, I realise i could do this and tweet more, which I have been doing! ^_^

see, i do still love you guys!!

till next time, thanks for reading,

hows that for a rainbow of words? lol

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