Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Another one, for today!

Oh MY Goodness! my title from earlier? must've been cuz I saw today coming! Today was crazy beyond all belief! like WOW, really. I can't exactly go into all the details, well maybe I can if I dont say any names?

Anyway, I work front desk at a hotel, and today, there was a lady who saw online that we had a certain type of room. We do not have any such room type. Problem? Online booking services rarely know exactly what we have in each exact hotel. Therefore, they promised her something we didnt have. She was upset, complained complained complained. blah blah blah. she kept saying how she wanted to see the manager, I kept telling her I would have the manager call her.
Then she went on about how the entire reason she even came to this hotel was because of the room type that was promised! I told her, Im sorry, but I cant really do anything about what it says online. She informs me, once again, about how she would like to speak to the managaer, because the manager, high and mighty, will be able to fix all of her problems. "Could you at least lower the prices of the two rooms you had to give me to make up for the inconvenience?" she asked, exasperated. I told her Yes, and that it wasnt a problem. I lowered the rates as much as I was allowed and she said that was fine. She ended up calling corporate, and we talked to them and smoothed things out with them.

Honestly? I'm through ranting and I'm quite tired, I've already ranted all this out on my twitter today! but that was earlier, before this pleasant woman got here, and she was asking for directions. I tried to help her, we have some directions help to give over the phone, but that didnt seem good enough. OH well right?

thats it, im outta here, good night!

Till next time, this is JPR signing off,

aka, Jesuspunkrokr

What the Hell, right?

Yeah, dont ask about the title cuz i have no idea why i chose it, thats just what came to mind . so yeah. what else? ive been catching up on youtube videos which i have been missing for the last few months and i had to blog, cuz even though i know im gonna be tweeting all day at work which i have to go to in about 30 minutes, I felt like i needed to do more so here goes. basically im just bored before work and such, but more into it, i just wanna connect with you people again!

Random shout out to HeGotAway-- I freaking miss you girl, your videos are awesome, funny, and well edited. You are very talented and such a good person, I honestly appreciate your friendship and your ambition.

What else? thats about all i can think of for the time being, keep it cool people, I plan on poping out another video soon, its just difficult right now, but yes, I realise i could do this and tweet more, which I have been doing! ^_^

see, i do still love you guys!!

till next time, thanks for reading,

hows that for a rainbow of words? lol

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

been a month, maybe two

New update?

Been working alot and making money! YAY lol

Got my nails done, saw New Moon, been chillin as well as workin.

Im gonna tweet more often, at least try to, I have been doing that at least once a day for a few days... right now im in the market for a new video editing program, so i can enhance my sound quality on my videos because for some reason, my camera doesnt do sound very well.

Anyway sorry to keep it short and sweet , but thanks for reading and Ill try to blog more often, and take pictures for facebook!