Monday, March 16, 2009

SO so much stuff!

Okay so I've got a lot on my mind right now, a lot going on and a lot I want to blog about, question is? where to start!

1st of all, I just read a great article/blog-thing about Ghost Whisperer , one of my fave shows (link). 2nd,KYLE XY FINAL EPISODE AIRS TONIGHT!!!!!!!! and I cant even watch it 'til tomorrow or later because ,thanks to the fact that I'm moving, --yet another thing to blog about this time!-- My internet will be cut off soon, maybe tomorrow, which will be the soonest I can see the new (and "final") Kyle XY. BLAH

Oh well, mainly the reason I wanted to blog was that article I linked you to up there , and the imminent cut off of my interwebs. Kyle XY is still save-able, there is still hope for it! If you are a fan, and don't want to send in a letter to other networks for whatever reason, you can write one, addressed to "to whom it may concern" and email it to , subject should be "Save Kyle XY". In the letter/email, you need to state a short amount of information about yourself, then why you like the show and how it has affected you. I am working on one, by the way, just so you know! OKAY I think that is it for now, and I will see ya when I see ya!

Till next time this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Got all YOUR marbles?

Hey guys!
Found this new (to me at least) type of jewelry, it is SO freaking awesome! as you can see, >>
Not only are these freaking awesome, but they also are INTERCHANGEABLE! You get a set of marbles to change whenever you feel like it with each piece of jewelry from them. This specific size comes with 15 different marbles. They have so many more choices, and not only necklaces, but also rings, and earrings! Created by William and Lisa of Tuscon, Arizona, William came up with this idea in 1999, and got it patented in May of 2005. They are now self employed, and are also employing many family members. True family business!

here are the sizes: (each piece of jewelry comes with a different number of marbles, depending on the size)

Here is how many marbles you get of the different sizes:

Itty bitty- 8
Pee-wee (the sample above)- 15
Fancy- 30
Player- 15
Whopper- 8

Most of these pieces are under $100, pretty reasonable for something so awesome! I don't personally own one, (yet, Hey! I just found them like 10 minutes ago!-thank you random adds on the sides of websites!- lol)

If you would like more information about these wonderful pieces of jewelry, please visit:
P.S. this is where I got all the background information about it as well as the prices, sizes, amounts and pictures.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Hey there! So I just joined up with and started on the forums, OMG the people are so freaking nice! I love it! oh i got sidetracked again, answering lovely messages from welcoming Kyle XY fans on the site!!!!! Im so in love with this site already! LOL I'm not really used to forums that much, they really do take a little more effort than other ways of communication , but they seem to be really really worth it, I need to remember that!!!!!!!

link here

Okay, that being said, here's where you can go to save the show!
(wow im so ADD i keep doing other things, okay im gonna just finish this now! lol)

what else? link to my "Save Kyle XY video"!

that is all for now, and remember,

Peace out!
until next time this is JPR signing off,