Sunday, April 10, 2011


yeah so its been a long time, just wanted to let people know I have updated my twitter, youtube and tumblr lately haha


I hadnt made a video in quite a while because my camera was not cooperating and just acting like i hated it, or like I was asking it to defuse a bomb, so it just kept freaking out and not working and letting me record stuff.

Anyway! that is fixed now so expect short random videos and I am working on some little useless animations with pictures/short pieces of video with little stuff so yeah I dunno, soon as those are done (or came up with in my head-lol-) they will be posted and so yeah, yay!!! okay cool so yeah there is an update for you all so yay haha

oh yeah and the Vaping is still going well haha.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Why Smoke when you can "Vape"?

Hey everyone, just wanna start out by saying this: I am not tryting to sell anything, just sharing a personal experience that I believe will help people.

So many people I know smoke, most of my family and a lot of my friends.
I ended up taking up the habit as well, but was extremely bothered by the lingering smell on my clothes, hair and skin. So when i saw those adds on TV about electronic cigarettes, I was interested,they promised "No more smelling like smoke!" and "about 4000 less chemicals inhaled than from traditional cigarettes"

However, at the same time I didnt believe such a thing would actually work. At first I thought, "okay, so its a little thing that creates "smoke" thats actually water vapor, that's nice." But after looking into it a little more, I discovered they have "juices" in them that contain nicotine. A light came on in my brain. I started researching them further, one of the first things I found out is that most of the adds on TV are "free-trials"... Minus the "free" part. They apparently will charge the person monthly for extra cartridges. In addition, they totally overcharge for the actual hardware itself.

Most end up charging somewhere around $189USD for a starter kit. This is ridiculously overpriced, as a full blown starter kit can typically run for about $60USD (including shipping). I've only had mine about 5 days, my dad and I are trying it out and love it. Neither one of us crave to smoke anymore, because the e-cig delivers the nicotine in such a similar way as traditional cigarettes/cigars. My dad has smoked for years, most recently mostly cigars and this device has worked for him. It's also worked for me, I havent wanted a cigarette since I've tried this.

You are probably wondering a lot of things right now, I've prepared some questions and answers to them based on my experience and research:


Which one do you have?
-I got the Joye 510.

Why did you buy the 510?
-Because I was most interested in the dripping technique, which is not as easily available on the Kr808, which is really what I had wanted to purchase, but didn't because in order to drip one needs an atomizer, which is not (as easily) available with the Kr808.

Whats so great about the 510?
-The Atomizer! this causes a great, awesome amout of vapor, and clear flavors from your juices, a great experience!

What sucks about the 510?
-Battery life! its horrible. since I share with my dad, I guess it would equal a heavy smoker, or AT LEAST a moderate smoker. we have to recharge about 3 times a day, I of course have 2 batteries and keep one charged all the time, and the other on my atomizer.

What would you have done differently?
-Probably would have purchased the KR808 for the battery life, then an adapter to hook it up to the 510 atomizer

Where did you purchase yours from?

While researching I found some great informational videos (yes, they are fairly short) giving basic information about starter kits and what to buy, here are the links to the best I've found:

"E-cigs For Broke People" focuses mostly on the comparison of the two most popular models:
Joye510 and KR808


"E-Cig 101 Class" Series has basic information about mostly the Joye510

E-Cig 101 - Class 2 - Attys, Refills, & Dripping

So there you go, I hope I helped a few people to better understand the world of E-cigs.

If you arent already on information over-load ( and believe me, I rememeber being there)
you should check out these sites as well.

Alright, as if that wasn't enough, that's all I got for now, I may , however think of a little more that I forgot to add, and come back and change it. In order to prevent Info-overload, you may wanna book mark this entry and take it in a little at a time.

Until next time, this is Melissa,
Peace out!
(and happy vaping! )

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Thank Gosh for Facebook!

yayay lol

Okay so I feel like talking about an awesome game I found through intuitive facebook adds that some how magically knew me (hence my use of the word "intuitive" ^_~)
Yes I found it a while ago (maybe 6 or 7 months ago?) but the adds are coming up again and I felt it reason to once again talk about this game. It's awesome!

From a very young age, I've been a Legend of Zelda fan and I havent found many games that equal its fun little quests, great music, cool characters and exciting gameplay. This all changed when I, oh-so-innocently, discovered Runes of Magic -RoM-, a free-to-play(and yes, free for life!) MMORPG. For those of you who aren't familiar with the acronym, it stands for Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Game.

The second I found out about about RoM I started researching similar games, since I had never really heard of them much. All I knew is that it was similar-Very similar, some say- to World of Warcraft, which I have heard of many people playing. These people were so gung-ho about it I decided I had to try to find a way to get a free version (because I don't really wanna sit there and pay $15 a month, especially because I don't play THAT consistently. Plus, if I did pay a monthly fee, I would mostlikely become hugely and grossly addicted to it... not a good idea when I got a life to live, lol) Please dont get me wrong, I am not saying there is anything wrong with playing any game every single day and for hours at a time- I've totally been there- Its mostly just paying every month for something I may eventually forget about or neglect... the idea irks me.

after creating and playing-as well as fully enjoying, I might add- 3 characters, and then researching the game again, only to still find awesome reviews about it? I know i made the right choice when I selected this game. Just wanted to share and possible help someone looking for a free "clone" as it has been called, of WoW, incase anyone else is searching as I once was. Hopefully this has helped someone!

below is linkage to the game if you're interested in checking it out ^_~


Actual website:

Thanks for reading and have a great day,
Untill next time, this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

why whY WHY?!?!

Why no videos for so long?

maybe cuz im like totally fail at life?

NO! duh, of course not!

Life has been throwing tons of crap at me that has gotten in the way of video time. BLAH lol

It does bother me that i dont make videos as often as i used to, it does, and i really do miss it a lot, and i really miss the interaction of commenting and watching other peoples videos and having people watch my videos and comment on them.

So, whats goin on in my life??

1 I moved. yeah again lol.

2 Im staying with a wonderful lady who has three kids (ages: 1, 4 and 9)

3 will be starting college soon! (Beauty college at this new location, as well as, in the future, "regular" classes ^_^ )

Sooo, yeah, to me those are big reasons lol. just thought i would update people who are wondering how i am.
I miss you all!
Till next time this is JPR signing off,
peace out!


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Missed it

I've so missed writing, period, but really missed it on here. For some reason I really enjoy writing and its a creative outlet for me, so when I go a long period of time with out practicing it, it bothers me.

Whats been up?

I've been going to beauty school! I really love it , its fun and something I love doing. I'm just getting frustrated with it at the time, going everyday is wearing on me bad, but we are supposed to push through our difficulties, right? Thats what makes us stronger. Especially when we can step back and look at our situation and realize its really not as bad as it can seem. And I know that is the case now. Its just taking the time to admit it to myself that gets in the way. But I guess now I've done that, correct?

Another thing I want to point out is that even if we fully understand a concept at one point in time and it completely changes our perspective for the better, we still need to be reminded of it again in the future. In other words, encouragement is like a shower, you cant just take one, and expect to be fine for the rest of your life. Thats kind of like getting a dollar and expecting to have it the rest of your life just because of that. You're most likely to spend it, get change for it or lend it out.

The reason I write this is because I know that I need this from time to time and its just a matter of remembering it and being reminded of it.

And with that, I leave you with peace until next time,

Friday, March 19, 2010


Sometimes I look at other people's blogs, and even youtube channels and think "wow, their blog/channel is really a lot more organized than mine is..." and I don't really know how to organize mine...

What do I mean by "organized"?
By organized, I mean, all of these posts have a similar theme of some sort, they are consistant.

Mine, however, are all over the place and hardly ever about the same thing.

how annoying that I don't know how to fix this...

I think the reason is because maybe I dont know exactly who I am in life yet... But maybe thats okay, since Im only 23...

Just some thoughts.

Till next time, this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

JPR's FarmVille School!

YAY its up! and has pre-written articles to be released over the next few weeks ^_^

I didn't know I would have so much to write so soon, but I glad I did, and I'm glad for the delayed post feature, its SO cool lol

If you play farmville and are in need of some help, tips or tricks, keep an eye out for new posts on my blog over the next month or so! This may also help higher level players, as they are little things you may or may not have thought of ^_^

Its brand new , so Im really excited about it. I just get ideas that I want to share with players every day, so now I can go write a blog about it and help some people out!

Thanks for reading, (sorry if you don't like farmville, and this post bothered you)

Till Next time,
This is JPR signing off,

Peace out!

JPR aka Jesuspunkrokr