Thursday, January 14, 2010


Felt like making that the title, haha.

Whatsup? So today i started listening to the band The Donnas, and apparently I heart them, lols listening to them riight now ^_^

so, boredom aint cool, or is it? Havent been doin much lately, but gosh ive missed doing videos and blogging, ive been keeping my facebook updated and such, so thats how I make up for it I guess ^_~

Most recently Ive been posting pictures of makeup looks Ive come up with, to my facebook, and Ive gotten some compliments on it, I had always toyed with the idea of doing makeup tutorials, but I may actually be getting closer to making that a reality. Its not like it takes a lot of work, its just that for whatever reason, when Ive attempted it in the past, the results weren't what I wanted. Maybe they will be now? Who knows, Ill try it and let you all know!

So, thanks for reading, and I guess I'll head off to bed now,

Until next time, this is JPR signing off,

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