Monday, January 18, 2010

New Camera---just some thoughts

So, hey there wonderful people, how's it goin??
I felt like doing a blog today, and the topic is Cameras. The one i have is fine, but if I cant get this sound thing sorted out. However, I think I can, I think i can(s
aid the little engine that could)... now that I got WMM to work on my windows 7 computer ^_^

Im really doing this blog to ask what kind of camera I should get, I can do all the research in the world, but it may or may not help me as much as getting peoples opinions. And yes, I realise that not very many people actually read this - or if they do, they just dont subscribe or follow - but I figure I can do a video, tweet and facebook about this and get more traffic for when i need more help! lol

What do I want in a camera, you ask?
  • Looking to spend about $100 to $200, maybe $300,
  • preferably a camcorder (with the little flippy screen thing...) however, i would also just get a regular digital camera... because im not exactly sure what I want
  • really decent quality, maybe HD, but I dont need it to be like phenomenal, because Im smart enough to know that doesnt come with this kind of price tag.
  • compact size
  • available in a variety of colors ( not necessary, but I like devices that are brightly colored)
  • I really dont want a FLIP camera, as in the brand... but that may be what I get.. not sure

What Im actually looking at:

See, thats what i like is the bright colors like this, but thats not the only reason I like it, I noticed a youtuber with nice quality video using one of these.

so yeah thats about it for now really, because I cant really think of anything else to say about this.

So, thanks for reading,
until next time this is JPR signing off, Peace out!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Random rant!!

I am f*cking annoyed at the fact that some people arent cool with me watching youtube videos, and said people BURST into the room and you have to exit or pause a video and pull up a new window (or they are,or possibly could be,and i simply dont want to explain the concept of youtube to them) Thus, I get no privacy!! You may argue that I can watch them in another location-- and good call, but the only computer in the house is in the common room/aka living room-- and my wii no longer recieves wireless internet, at least it didnt last night..

I can and do watch videos on my phone, which is really nice, if Im out and about and thats my only choice, but at home I would like to beable to go online with my wii and watch them on my tv, because thats just really freaking awesome! lol

Also the fact that I cant quite figure out the blogger mobile thing, because right now im really upset and like electronically retarded? well that just doesn't help. So, anyway, I wrote this on my cell phone and emailed it tomyself so that helped alot, I actually wrote this a few hours ago, so Im not exactly still feeling this way but it still bugs me to have this situation recur.

Thanks for reading and i hope you enjoyed the rainbow, lol

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Felt like making that the title, haha.

Whatsup? So today i started listening to the band The Donnas, and apparently I heart them, lols listening to them riight now ^_^

so, boredom aint cool, or is it? Havent been doin much lately, but gosh ive missed doing videos and blogging, ive been keeping my facebook updated and such, so thats how I make up for it I guess ^_~

Most recently Ive been posting pictures of makeup looks Ive come up with, to my facebook, and Ive gotten some compliments on it, I had always toyed with the idea of doing makeup tutorials, but I may actually be getting closer to making that a reality. Its not like it takes a lot of work, its just that for whatever reason, when Ive attempted it in the past, the results weren't what I wanted. Maybe they will be now? Who knows, Ill try it and let you all know!

So, thanks for reading, and I guess I'll head off to bed now,

Until next time, this is JPR signing off,

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

um, hi!

just did a video, and saw that this wasnt so updated-ly new-ishness so decided to try and change that.

what to say? i dunno, I guess Ill just put a link to my twitter, since the video isnt actually up yet...

till next time this is JPR signing off,
Thanks for reading and Peace out!