Sunday, October 19, 2008

Whats going on with me?

are you kidding?!
ok, well, like I lost my big hard drive with all my videos and pictures and everything the other day. not fun.
But I have gotten a lot of footage over this time! and will edit it soon!
besides that I am doing great and thanks for asking :)

lol goodness its crazy, i was so sad it was like someone died or something.
seriously, i just looked one day and it was gone! horrible feeling by the way, I hope you have never had to experience it!
Oh, I still love my camera! it is awesome, and I figured out how to put music on it, (yay!) I got some footage of deer "up close" but really i put my camera up to binoculars, and YES it worked! it was really cool! but difficult to keep it in place, i guess i was pretty excited that it even worked, haha.

Also I got footage of cows, and LOTS of it! seriously, a lot! a ton of close-up action with the cows goin on, haha its kinda fun, I dont think many people get to see this kind of thing, so it should be cool to watch! well, I dunno if my blogs are too long for some people, so I am gonna end it here!
but thank you for reading,
and this is JPR signing off, till next time.
Peace out!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Camcorder= YAY!

YAY so I finally have a camcorder, not just a digital camera, its a camcorder! here is a picture of it! >>>>>>>>>>
is that not like totally awesome?! i love it so much!
anyway, so it is so so so so cool and i have made a lot of videos with it and i have uploaded two of them so far.

On another subject, I watched 50 first dates today and it was a LOT better than i thought it was gonna be!!!!! I mean, I did think it was gonna be good, and funny, but it surprised me in a very good way. I mean it was both good and funny, but with like a little extra, i dunno. Loved it so much!
hmmm what else?
go check out my videos!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Four Days Left, YAY

I am excited! I did a video today about my LIVE birthday party, and I am just going to embed that right here so that can do most of the talking! since the links are not on the side here, like they would be if this was watched on YouTube, so I will provide the links right here
Where's tha party?

(If you are not watching this on Youtube)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Live Birthday Party!

Hello there reader!
Guess what! In today's entry I shall discus my plans for my birthday! I am so excited, I will be turning 21, and having a virtual, LIVE birthday party!! Would you like to come? Come'on It'll be fun! lol

The party is planned to be Tuesday, October 7th, at 5:30pm EST
ON my actual birthday!

how fun does that sound?! lol
Anyway, so I would love it if you would come,
but where do you go?
Here! to my blog TV channel!

If you would like to come, that would be awesome! just come and have fun and play nice! lol

See you there!

Until next time, this is JPR signing off,
Peace out!