Monday, December 6, 2010

Why Smoke when you can "Vape"?

Hey everyone, just wanna start out by saying this: I am not tryting to sell anything, just sharing a personal experience that I believe will help people.

So many people I know smoke, most of my family and a lot of my friends.
I ended up taking up the habit as well, but was extremely bothered by the lingering smell on my clothes, hair and skin. So when i saw those adds on TV about electronic cigarettes, I was interested,they promised "No more smelling like smoke!" and "about 4000 less chemicals inhaled than from traditional cigarettes"

However, at the same time I didnt believe such a thing would actually work. At first I thought, "okay, so its a little thing that creates "smoke" thats actually water vapor, that's nice." But after looking into it a little more, I discovered they have "juices" in them that contain nicotine. A light came on in my brain. I started researching them further, one of the first things I found out is that most of the adds on TV are "free-trials"... Minus the "free" part. They apparently will charge the person monthly for extra cartridges. In addition, they totally overcharge for the actual hardware itself.

Most end up charging somewhere around $189USD for a starter kit. This is ridiculously overpriced, as a full blown starter kit can typically run for about $60USD (including shipping). I've only had mine about 5 days, my dad and I are trying it out and love it. Neither one of us crave to smoke anymore, because the e-cig delivers the nicotine in such a similar way as traditional cigarettes/cigars. My dad has smoked for years, most recently mostly cigars and this device has worked for him. It's also worked for me, I havent wanted a cigarette since I've tried this.

You are probably wondering a lot of things right now, I've prepared some questions and answers to them based on my experience and research:


Which one do you have?
-I got the Joye 510.

Why did you buy the 510?
-Because I was most interested in the dripping technique, which is not as easily available on the Kr808, which is really what I had wanted to purchase, but didn't because in order to drip one needs an atomizer, which is not (as easily) available with the Kr808.

Whats so great about the 510?
-The Atomizer! this causes a great, awesome amout of vapor, and clear flavors from your juices, a great experience!

What sucks about the 510?
-Battery life! its horrible. since I share with my dad, I guess it would equal a heavy smoker, or AT LEAST a moderate smoker. we have to recharge about 3 times a day, I of course have 2 batteries and keep one charged all the time, and the other on my atomizer.

What would you have done differently?
-Probably would have purchased the KR808 for the battery life, then an adapter to hook it up to the 510 atomizer

Where did you purchase yours from?

While researching I found some great informational videos (yes, they are fairly short) giving basic information about starter kits and what to buy, here are the links to the best I've found:

"E-cigs For Broke People" focuses mostly on the comparison of the two most popular models:
Joye510 and KR808


"E-Cig 101 Class" Series has basic information about mostly the Joye510

E-Cig 101 - Class 2 - Attys, Refills, & Dripping

So there you go, I hope I helped a few people to better understand the world of E-cigs.

If you arent already on information over-load ( and believe me, I rememeber being there)
you should check out these sites as well.

Alright, as if that wasn't enough, that's all I got for now, I may , however think of a little more that I forgot to add, and come back and change it. In order to prevent Info-overload, you may wanna book mark this entry and take it in a little at a time.

Until next time, this is Melissa,
Peace out!
(and happy vaping! )