Thursday, September 30, 2010

why whY WHY?!?!

Why no videos for so long?

maybe cuz im like totally fail at life?

NO! duh, of course not!

Life has been throwing tons of crap at me that has gotten in the way of video time. BLAH lol

It does bother me that i dont make videos as often as i used to, it does, and i really do miss it a lot, and i really miss the interaction of commenting and watching other peoples videos and having people watch my videos and comment on them.

So, whats goin on in my life??

1 I moved. yeah again lol.

2 Im staying with a wonderful lady who has three kids (ages: 1, 4 and 9)

3 will be starting college soon! (Beauty college at this new location, as well as, in the future, "regular" classes ^_^ )

Sooo, yeah, to me those are big reasons lol. just thought i would update people who are wondering how i am.
I miss you all!
Till next time this is JPR signing off,
peace out!
