Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Missed it

I've so missed writing, period, but really missed it on here. For some reason I really enjoy writing and its a creative outlet for me, so when I go a long period of time with out practicing it, it bothers me.

Whats been up?

I've been going to beauty school! I really love it , its fun and something I love doing. I'm just getting frustrated with it at the time, going everyday is wearing on me bad, but we are supposed to push through our difficulties, right? Thats what makes us stronger. Especially when we can step back and look at our situation and realize its really not as bad as it can seem. And I know that is the case now. Its just taking the time to admit it to myself that gets in the way. But I guess now I've done that, correct?

Another thing I want to point out is that even if we fully understand a concept at one point in time and it completely changes our perspective for the better, we still need to be reminded of it again in the future. In other words, encouragement is like a shower, you cant just take one, and expect to be fine for the rest of your life. Thats kind of like getting a dollar and expecting to have it the rest of your life just because of that. You're most likely to spend it, get change for it or lend it out.

The reason I write this is because I know that I need this from time to time and its just a matter of remembering it and being reminded of it.

And with that, I leave you with peace until next time,