Monday, December 28, 2009

Vlog! I mean blog...

Quick update on how I've been
Yeah i dunno,
just thought I'd take the time to throw a few words together for you guys, since I don't do many videos as of late. How've you all been?

I've been great just working alot, getting some time off now, obviously, I'm not gonna blog at work! But anyways, I just have some random stuff to say so yeah.

My favorite things lately:

  • Google Chrome! - its so customizable with the new(@least new to me) themes
  • my new nano iPod I got for Christmas!!!!!!
  • doing my nails! -CONFESSION!- They currently aren't done though.... *looks away*
  • Makeups!
  • ... Exclamation marks!
  • ...Bullets!

Okay so yeah, i think thats about it for now, hope this was interesting in some sort of possible way!